Sunday 15 March 2015


Exam time is coming!!!! Xa está publicada na páxina web da EOI toda a información relativa ao calendario e desenvolvemento das probas de certificación de nivel básico, intermedio, avanzado e C1. Terán que realizar as probas de nivel INTERMEDIO todolos meus alumnos.....!! os alumnos CALC que se teñan matriculado durante o mes de marzo e os alumnos do curso intermedio intensivo.

  • calendario para as probas de expresión oral será fixado pola Escola, podendo ter lugar antes ou despois das probas escritas. O calendario xeral definitivo das probas orais será publicado, alén de nos taboleiros da Escola, na mesma páxina web da EOI, na categoría do departamento correspondente.

Por último, é altamente recomendable que o alumnado candidato consulte a(s) guía(s) de Básico e Intermedio (inglés), segundo corresponda, e os modelos de exames de anos anteriores. Tamén lle recomendo consultar as outras recomendacións publicadas na páxina web da EOI de Pontevedra.

Good luck everybody....!! and as I know that both my CALC and intensive intermediate level students are really worried about these exams, I have just prepared a document with links to different language schools in Spain and mock exams to practise. Just copy the links on your navigation bar!! And don´t forget that "Practice makes perfect"

Tuesday 10 March 2015


It's been a long time since my last post about learning resources, but sometimes it is difficult to find anything worth posting. This time I have to thank my colleague Estrella for today's post!! She has introduced the English teachers at school to a new online resource I found really amazing: It's an online collocation dictionary which can help you with your writing assignments or even when planning your class presentations. 

As English learners, you often stick yourselves to the same combination of words, mainly because you can't find other words to use with the ones you need. That happens to my students all the time!! Using this online dictionary, you will find a wide range of options to choose from, improving your vocabulary and making an excellent impression on your teacher and classmates!! 

Ozdic will show you the words that go together and will also help you sound much more natural. Look up a word to find new ones that can be used with it and improve your accuracy.