Tuesday 29 September 2015


Would you like to join the school? Are you interested in learning a new language?? Hurry up!! There is still a place for you at the school. Read the information below and find your date to apply!!

A partir do día 05 de outubro van ofertarse as últimas prazas dispoñibles nas diferentes linguas da Escola, na seguinte orde:

• Día 5 de outubro. Ofértanse as prazas dispoñibles ao alumnado do curso 2015-2016 que aínda non formalizou a matrícula, e ás persoas que realizaron preinscrición e non obtiveron praza no grupo desexado. As persoas que realizaron preinscrición deben presentar o xustificante correspondente.

• Día 6 de outubro. Ofértanse as prazas dispoñibles ás persoas que queiran estudar alemán, francés, galego, italiano, ou portugués.

• Día 7 de outubro. Ofértanse as prazas dispoñibles ás persoas que queiran estudar inglés.

• Días 8 a 15 de outubro, ambos incluídos. Seguiranse ofertando as prazas dispoñibles a todas as persoas que queiran estudar na Escola de Idiomas de Pontevedra que non viñeran os días anteriores.

Para solicitar praza(s), débese recoller na conserxaría a(s) tarxeta(s) do(s) idioma(s) correspondente(s), xuntamente coa documentación necesaria. A continuación, e nun prazo máximo de 48 h., efectúase o pagamento das taxas no banco e entrégase tarxeta(s) do(s) idioma(s) mais documentación debidamente cuberta e xustificante do pagamento das taxas na secretaría da Escola. 

Horario da conserxaría: 08.30h a 21.30h.
Horario da secretaría: 09.00h a 14.00h.
NOTA IMPORTANTE: Para o grupo de 2º de nivel avanzado de francés xa non quedan prazas.

Friday 25 September 2015



At the initiative of the Council of Europe, the European Day of Languages has been celebrated every year since 2001 on 26 September. They aim at alerting the public to the importance of learning a new language and promoting European cultural diversity. Anyone can get involved in some way in the celebration of this day, even if it is just about inviting neighbours from different cultures or decorating your house or your workplace with posters and stickers.

Whatever you do, enjoy the day!! Click here for suggestions to do it!! Have a happy Day of Languages!!

Tuesday 22 September 2015


Hi everybody!!

Welcome to the new school year! I hope everyone had a very good summer break, and that your are all ready for a wonderful start to the new course. Are you ready to embark on the exciting journey that begins with the new school year?? There will be lots of opportunities for language learning!!!

This is a very exciting time of year for most our students – learning how to navigate the new classrooms, meeting new friends and the teacher, and reconnecting with the old ones will likely be the primary focus of interest for the first few days. As in any time of change and transition, this can also be a rather stressful period; these are a few things you can do to settle back into school.

1. Be prepared
It is important to get to know what is expected of you. Take full advantage of the information at school where possible. Read the notice boards, listen to your teacher, check the school website or your class blog and don´t forget to enter your classroom with a positive attitude and a smile.

2. Set up a good routine
Make sure you are ready for the extra effort learning a language requires. It is a good idea to start adjusting your schedules and try to set up a rhythm for school work. Tired students often get anxious because they don’t have enough time.

3. Stay Positive
It is important to stay positive about the new school year. Try to feel happy about going to the language school and learning English. 

If you have particular concerns about your new English course, please do not hesitate to either email me, or drop by the English department at school to have a chat.  

I am really looking forward to the upcoming school year and very busy working to enhance your English learning!!

Friday 18 September 2015



Language Scholarships available for EOI Students!! The Spanish Department of Education invites you to apply for a scholarship to ease the cost at school. If you are interested, fill in a form at Becas y Ayudas a alumnos de niveles postobligatorios no universitarios.