Thursday 28 January 2016


My intensive course students are about to finish their Intermediate 1 Level. I just wanted to let them know  how proud I am of their job. They have worked hard and made their best to get to the end and these are the kind of things that give my teaching job a meaning.

Here is my way to say thank you for your great effort. I have just made a cook book with all the recipes you sent me by email. This e-magazine is the result of the last writing assignment you were told to do in Unit 10. 

I promise I will try some of them... for sure!! and I do recommend you to do the same and leave your comments below. 

I have really enjoyed teaching you and am looking forward to the beginning of the second part of the course by the end of next week. Meanwhile, enjoy your cooking!!

Wednesday 20 January 2016


Our school has been appointed by the local council to present a proposal for the Xosé Manuel Pintos Award. Therefore, we would like to invite all the members of our community to participate in the event by casting their vote with their ideas before January 27. Until then there will be a polling area at the school entrance with information on the election process and also a voting booth where the voters may write the candidate of their choice in secret. Your vote will really count this time, so do not hesitate to take part in the process. Make your voice heard!! Go to the polling place at the school and register your opinion on who deserves the award.

Thursday 7 January 2016


De acordo co programa BIBLIOTECAS ESCOLARES SOLIDARIAS, a bibliotecas escolares deben ser un espazo de convivencia e exercicio de cidadanía solidaria ademáis dun punto de acceso aos recursos culturais.

Por conseguinte, a Escola Oficial de Idiomas de Pontevedra convídavos a formar parte do grupo de colaboradores que de forma voluntaria participen na xestión e organización da biblioteca, así como en actividades de extensión cultural ou formación de usuarios, favorecendo a formación de actitudes de colaboración e de solidariedade entre o alumnado no ámbito cultural.


Queres participar? Cubre a solicitude de alumnado colaborador da biblioteca na conserxaría da Escola e entrégaa antes do 18 de xaneiro.

  • Establecer un calendario de tarefas e supervisar o traballo dos voluntarios.
  • Facilitar unha formación básica ao alumnado colaborador.
  • Outorgar unha certificación de recoñecemento do traballo realizado (mínimo 15 horas durante o curso 2015/16).
  • Achegar a cada voluntario unha acreditación que o identifique como tal.

  • Realizar as actividades de colaboración acordadas co Equipo da Biblioteca.
  • Participar nas actividades formativas.
  • Actuar de forma responsable, eficaz e solidaria.
  • Respectar os dereitos das persoas integrantes da comunidade escolar.
  • Coidar e facer bo uso dos materiais e recursos da biblioteca.


  • Compromiso solidario e interese nas bibliotecas escolares.
  • Referencias positivas por parte dos profesores da Escola.
  • Certa flexibilidade horaria para traballar co Equipo da Biblioteca. 
A biblioteca da escola é de todos nós. Axúdanos a coidala!!

Wednesday 6 January 2016


New Year's Resolutions are a bit like babies: They are fun to make but extremely difficult to maintain. In January a great deal of people resolve to better themselves in some way. A much smaller amount actually make good on those resolutions. Whereas some people stick to their goals for at least a week, fewer are still on target six months later. It's hard to keep the enthusiasm months after you've swept up the confetti, but it's not impossible!! This year let us know some of your resolutions and stick with them. 

Here are some good examples: 

lose weight, quit smoking, save money, get fit, take a trip, reduce, reuse, recycle, manage stress... 

Which steps are you going to take to achieve your goals for this New Year?? Tell us all about your New Year's Resolutions on the comments below!!