Friday 24 March 2017


Hi everybody,

My students are working hard preparing for exams next week. Practising their writing, listening and reading is really important for them.... but how can they practise their oral abilities? We tried in the lab and here is a good example of the resulf of their hard work. I would like you to judge by yourselves. Do you think my student did a good monologue? Can you leave your opinions and comments in the section below? I am sure we will appreciate them because we can all learn from each other to overcome everyday mistakes!

Tuesday 14 March 2017


Exam time is coming!!!! 

Xa está publicada na páxina web da EOI toda a información relativa ao calendario e desenvolvemento das probas de certificación de nivel básico, intermedio, avanzado e C1 que terán lugar na escola durante os meses de xuño e setembro. 

Terán que realizar as probas de nivel INTERMEDIO todolos meus alumnos.....!! É dicir, os meus alumnos CALC - que se teñen que matricular A PARTIR DO 20 DE MARZO - e os alumnos do curso intermedio intensivo. Para todos eles, ahí van unhas cantas recomendacións!! Incluíndo algún que outro consello sobre como afrontar unha proba destas características:

  • Consultade o calendario de xuño para as probas escritas (comprensión escrita, comprensión oral, expresión escrita), único para todas as EOI de Galicia.
  • calendario para as probas de expresión oral será fixado pola Escola, podendo ter lugar antes ou despois das probas escritas. O calendario xeral definitivo das probas orais será publicado, alén de nos taboleiros da Escola, na mesma páxina web da EOI, na categoría do departamento correspondente.

Por último, é altamente recomendable que consultedes tamén a guía do candidato de nivel Intermedio e os modelos de exames de anos anteriores que proporciona a Xunta de Galicia. 

Good luck everybody....!! and as I know that both my CALC and intensive intermediate level students are really worried about these exams, I have just prepared a document with links to different language schools in Spain and mock exams to practise. Just copy the links on your navigation bar and enjoy!! 

... And don´t forget that "Practice makes perfect"!!

Wednesday 8 March 2017


The Equipo de Dinamización da Lingua Galega at the EOI together with the City Council proudly announce its eighth writing competition for Microrrelato en Galego. The competition will take place next Tuesday 21 March at 18.00 and will last for two hours. Find out more about the competition and how to enter by clicking on the image below. 

You can also take part by making your own contributions to the competition suggesting the words that contestants will have to include in their pieces of writing. Give us your ideas at the school entrance and do not miss this wonderful opportunity to show your writing skills. 

Thursday 2 March 2017

ITIP OF MARCH: RADIO GARDEN to tune in to the world's radio stations? Radio Garden allows you to listen to any radio station in the world with just a single click on the map. You will be able to listen to radio programmes and shows from all over the world on your computer. You can explore live radio by rotating the globe on the site and choosing the place you are interested in with your mouse. It allows the world to be explored through its sounds and will definitely grow English learners' listening skills.

This interactive website presents a globe covered in tiny dots, each representing a radio station that can be tuned in to at the click of your mouse. It features over 8,000 radio stations and it can be used as a tool to English learning and practice!! Just click on the map and enjoy!!