Thursday 25 April 2019


Here are the videos students at school have made to promote the city of Pontevedra just a few days before the ITU Multisport event starts! Congratulations to all of those who took part in the project. Pontevedra is worth a video, don't you agree? Winners will soon be revealed!

Remember that, as the city will be holding this outstanding event from 27 April to 5 May, you will have to check traffic restrictions on the council website in case you are driving to school on those dates! Find the best way to enjoy the venue without freaking out!

Thursday 11 April 2019


You type. They talk! Can you believe it? I have just come across this great app that allows you to make famous people say what you type! It quickly turns your text into sharable audio gif using your most favourite - or least favourite - celebrity voices. 

Voice Headliner has proved to be a great app to practise pronunciation, have fun and learn at the same time. I will definitely implement it to give my lessons a twist!

Tuesday 2 April 2019


O Equipo de Dinamización da Lingua Galega da EOI de Pontevedra, en colaboración coa Concellaría de Normalización Lingüística do Concello de Pontevedra, convoca o X Certame de Microrrelato en Galego “EOI de Pontevedra”.
DATA: mércores 10 de abril de 2019 ás 19:30h (duración: 2 horas)  

LUGAR: salón de actos da EOI de Pontevedra e, simultaneamente, nas sección do Valle Inclán, A Estrada e Lalín.  

RELATOS: as persoas participantes deberán crear un texto literario de 150 palabras como máximo “in situ”, durante 2 h, a partir da “inspiración” que lles suxiran 3 palabras escollidas no momento de comezar a proba.  

PARTICIPANTES: Poderán participar no concurso todas as persoas que o desexen (sexan ou non alumnado da EOI de Pontevedra).  


1º premio: vale de 200€ para a compra de libros, CDs ou DVDs en galego
2º premio: vale de 150 € para a compra de libros, CDs ou DVDs en galego
3º premio: vale de 100€ para a compra de libros, CDs ou DVDs en galego
Ademais, o xurado resérvase a posibilidade de entregar dous accésits de 50€ cada un.

Non dubides en participar e moita sorte! Pon á proba as túas habilidades literarias!  

Monday 1 April 2019


The film festival at school is dedicated to emotional films this year. As for English, INSIDE OUT will be screened in its original version with subtitles. The length of the film is 94min and it will be on next...

Tuesday 9 April at 16.00 and 18.00
Friday 26 April at 9.00 and 11.00

Inside Out is an American 3D computer-animated adventure comedy-drama by Disney/Pixar.  It was released on June 19, 2015 and tells the story of an 11-year-old girl who is reluctant to move from Minnesota to San Francisco. Let´s warm up a little by watching the trailer. I hope it makes you come to school and watch it with us!!

After watching the film, I would like you to share your opinion with us. Open the comment section below and write your own ideas about the film. You could include a summary of the story, mention other films that it is similar to or describe what you particularly liked or disliked about it. 

Use the "Reacciones" section below to give us your rating about the film!!