Wednesday 16 March 2022


In the age when information is power, the school is willing to gather as much data as possible from students to identify new needs. Our main goal is to set a new course scheme for the future and make a valuable contribution to your learning. I, as a teacher myself, would also like to work on how to improve my lessons and enhance our classroom atmosphere. 

That is why I am inviting you to take a bit of your time to complete the two surveys below before 22 March. Please, help us make the school a better place! Your insights and feedback will step both the school's and my efforts to enhance school life:

Bear in mind that the answers are totally anonymous, so do not be afraid to complete the questions listed above. I would really appreciate it!

Thanks in advance!

Tuesday 8 March 2022


Last year I took the golden opportunity to participate in an #EscuelasAmigas project about inspiring female figures from Galicia and Navarra that forged the way for future women generations not only in their areas but also across Spain. The project evolved from January to April 2021 and involved C1 English students from EOI Pontevedra and EOI Pamplona. My supportive fellow teacher was @Cristinakata and I also want to take advantage of the occasion to appreciate her work. I feel so grateful! We wouldn't have done it without her and her motivating students! 

During the project, we shared information about these remarkable women and learned why and how their personalities became so influential. Here they are, together with the name of every single student at EOI Pontevedra and Pamplona that made this possible:  

This year I feel honour-bound to commemorate that project as it brought attention to issues just as female cultural achievements, gender equality, and violence and abuse against women. Re-listening to the podcast and re-watching the video we designed then is my particular celebration of womanhood today March 8 2022!

Thursday 3 March 2022


#Escuelas Amigas is a project that brings together Language Schools (EOIs) around Spain. Teachers and students work jointly to learn about their different cultures, practice their English skills and, overall, have fun! I have been taking part in the project with my students for three years now. In this third edition, we are going partners with C1 English students at EOI Málaga. The South of Spain awaits us! We just can't wait!

Taking off will include the following steps:

  • Introducing each other in a Padlet board to meet our fellow mates and their teacher Blanca in Málaga. I really appreciate the fact that Blanca and her students have shared their introductions board with us! You rule!

  • Filling in a questionnaire which will definitely be our roadmap during the project. We have decided to empower our students by asking them how the project will evolve. The google form questionnaire will definitely become the linchpin of the whole adventure. 

Hopefully, the final episodes will help us discover a lot of interesting information about different places and areas in both cities: Málaga and Pontevedra. 

Blanca and I count on our C1 students to shape this cooperative podcast program together. That is why we have asked them to tailor it by taking these first steps and adapting them to meet their own needs as English learners. In for a new adventure?