Saturday 9 March 2024


Hi, fellow teachers!

I can't stop moving on through the ever-evolving language teaching journey, can you? I am continuously seeking tools to enhance my students' learning experiences. One such tool that has captured my attention recently is the chatbot. Who hasn't heard about the wonders of @Mizou from @ELT_CATION, @blogdecristina and @EliGozalo? I couldn't resist following suit to uncover the mysteries of integrating bots in the ESL class!

As I was brainstorming ideas for my bot design, inspiration came quickly: What aspect causes the most insecurity among my C1 students? Undoubtedly, it's mediation! They struggle to understand how oral mediation works here in Galicia when it comes to the standardized exam: "Identify the main idea of a small text and highlight the most relevant pieces of information without adding any personal opinion or extra ideas". Challenging, isn't it?

So, I got down to it and started designing a chatbot experience with Mizou that I'm now excited to introduce: The Ultimate Mediation Instructor🥰. It is a new bot specifically designed to help students practice mediation skills, which - as I have mentioned - are a crucial component of standardized language exams in Galicia. Just like the exam teacher here and complying with the Galician standards, the instructor evaluates students' ability to summarize and streamline main ideas effectively, guiding and supporting them throughout the building process.

I have already implemented it in class and also asked my students for feedback on the tool. Students' opinions are key to my teaching job! Here are five compelling advantages they have found out:

  • 24/7 Availability: They all agreed that this chatbot is available round the clock, providing them with instant access to mediation practice whenever they needed it so that they could engage with the task at their own pace. How convenient!
  • Personalized learning: I tailored the interaction so that each student could choose their own area of interest for the bot to provide the right text to mediate. My students pointed out that this personalized approach fostered greater engagement and motivation. I was thrilled!
  • Immediate feedback: According to my students, the most significant advantage of the Ultimate Mediation Instructor is its ability to provide instant feedback on their responses, which not only reinforced learning in real time but also helped them identify and address areas for improvement more efficiently.
  • Promotion of Speaking and Writing Skills: Through supportive prompts, the chatbot encouraged my students to practice and refine their speaking and writing skills in a safe environment. This active engagement facilitated language production and fluency development. They were so focused!
  • Autonomy Enhancement: My students agreed that they managed to take over their own learning process by exploring mediation independently, experimenting with different language structures, and tracking their progress live and over time!

I will try and continue to enrich language learning experiences in my classroom, embracing the possibilities that #AI offers in fostering meaningful and effective language acquisition. Also, I will keep on considering risks and challenges that need to be overcome! So, stay tuned for updates on this journey!

Saturday 2 March 2024


Dear fellow language "tech-teachers"!

Yeah! This entry is meant just for you! As you know, we are submerged in an ever-evolving digital age. Even so, the integration of ICT skills into the language classroom has become increasingly controversial. As language educators, is it necessary for us to put the efficiency of technology in enhancing learning experiences to the test? 

To my mind, technology offers a myriad of opportunities to engage students, personalize learning experiences and foster collaboration and communication skills: all essential components of language acquisition, don't you agree? From interactive language apps to designing personalized chatbots, the possibilities are endless! Moreover, integrating ICT skills into the language classroom not only prepares students for the digital world we live in but also cultivates essential 21st-century skills: critical thinking, creativity, digital literacy... You name them! I know I am not alone on this!

So, as a technological enthusiast, I have already started my own personal contribution to the enhancement of technology integration in education by collaborating with other teachers to learn cooperatively to effectively use technology in class.

My next training course is taking place in the Teachers Training Centre in Vigo next week and I have just decided to kick-start the first session with a fun and insightful activity: the ICT Personality Test, which aims to help teachers reflect on their current use of technology in teaching and identify areas for growth and improvement. You can give it a try yourselves! Just scan the code below and let me know how you did:

The test consists of a series of questions designed to assess a teacher's comfort level with digital tools, their proficiency in incorporating technology into lesson plans, and their openness to exploring new technologies. By completing this test, I hope they will gain some relevant insights into their teaching style and how technology can enhance their instructional practices. At least, it will provide some food for thought to jump-start the session in the right mood!

I encourage you, educators, to embrace technology as a learning tool rather than a mere add-on: You will manage to create dynamic learning environments that cater to diverse learner needs and preferences. Technology opens up a world of possibilities for both language teachers and learners alike. Let's approach it with an open mind and a willingness to explore!