Monday 15 September 2014


How to settle back into school!!!

Welcome to the new school year! I hope everyone had a very good summer break, and that your are all ready for a wonderful start to the new course. Are you ready to embark on the exciting journey that begins with the new school year?? There will be lots of opportunities for involvement and language learning!!!

This is a very exciting time of year for most our students – learning how to navigate the new class schedules, meeting new friends and the teacher, and reconnecting with the old ones will likely be the primary focus of interest for the first few days. As in any time of change and transition, this can also be a rather stressful period; these are a few things you can do to settle back into school.

1. Be prepared
It is important to get to know what is expected of you. Take full advantage of the information at school where possible. Read the notice boards, listen to your teacher, check the school website or your class blog and don´t forget to enter your classroom with a positive attitude and a smile.

2. Set up a good routine
Make sure you are ready for the effort learning a language requires. It is a good idea to start adjusting your schedules and try to set up a rhythm for the school week. Tired and grumpy students often get anxious and irritable because they don’t have enough time.

3. Stay Positive
It is important to stay positive about the new school year. Try to feel happy about going to school and learning a new language. 

If you have particular concerns about your new English course, please do not hesitate to either email me, or drop by the English department at school to have a chat.  

I am really excited about the upcoming school year and very busy working to enhance your English learning!!

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