Thursday 31 March 2016


The second annual film festival at the EOI Pontevedra will be held April 8 - 27 in the Assembly Hall. The visitors to the festival will be able to enjoy wonderful films based on novels this year. So, do not hesitate to visit our school library first to borrow the books and read them in advance!! Sharing your opinion on both book and film on the screening venue will be awarded!! 
You can find everything about the festival films, events and information on our shcool library´s blog
So, if you want to be sure you enjoy every single bit of it, then I advise you save a date for the Second Annual Film Festival at the EOI Pontevedra!!

Wednesday 30 March 2016


Exam time is coming soon!!!! Xa está publicada na páxina web da EOI toda a información relativa ao calendario e desenvolvemento das probas de certificación de nivel básico, intermedio, avanzado e C1 que terán lugar na escola durante os meses de xuño e setembro. 

Terán que realizar as probas de nivel INTERMEDIO todolos meus alumnos.....!! É dicir, os meus alumnos CALC - que se teñen que matricular ANTES DO 14 DE ABRIL - e os alumnos do curso intermedio intensivo. Para todos eles, ahí van unhas cantas recomendacións!! Incluíndo algún que outro consello sobre como afrontar unha proba destas características:

  • Consultade o calendario de xuño e setembro para as probas escritas (comprensión escrita, comprensión oral, expresión escrita), único para todas as EOI de Galicia.
  • calendario para as probas de expresión oral será fixado pola Escola, podendo ter lugar antes ou despois das probas escritas. O calendario xeral definitivo das probas orais será publicado, alén de nos taboleiros da Escola, na mesma páxina web da EOI, na categoría do departamento correspondente.

Por último, é altamente recomendable que consultedes tamén a guía do candidato de nivel Intermedio e os modelos de exames de anos anteriores que proporciona a Xunta de Galicia. 

Good luck everybody....!! and as I know that both my CALC and intensive intermediate level students are really worried about these exams, I have just prepared a document with links to different language schools in Spain and mock exams to practise. Just copy the links on your navigation bar and enjoy!! 

... And don´t forget that "Practice makes perfect"!!

Tuesday 8 March 2016


Today is International Women's Day, which celebrates the social, economical, cultural and political achievement of women all over the world. The day also aims at accelerating gender parity and raising social awareness of the struggles of women worldwide.

At school we would like to put on our own event to celebrate the date today, so we have gathered a collection of films and books as a reminder of how far there is still to go. Help us celebrate this important date by adding your personal choice to the list. Join the school library's blog to learn about women's struggle and make  your own contribution to the list. 

Saturday 5 March 2016


Here you can see an overview of the results to the assessment of the learning process we have carried out on our blog. All your answers have been gathered here for us to analyze them. The purpose of this is to contribute to enhance your experience as English learners. As for me, I have just realized I need to slow down my classes a little bit!! So, thanks for the hint!! I promise I´ll try!!