Tuesday 28 April 2020


Hi everyone! 

Do you remember our dearest friends from EOI Pamplona?💌 Right now they are all putting up with exactly the same confinement period we are going through. So, their teacher Carlos and I have been coming up with ideas to get you connected again to motivate you and finish off our "Discover my City" project. 

With this idea in mind, here is the final step. One last thing I would like you to do for me🙏:

1. 💡 Choose your favourite place in your area. Bear in mind that you are going to recommend our friends in Pamplona to visit the place as soon as the quarantine is over! Be original!
2. 🎤 Record yourself on vocaroo.com describing that place: location, history, why is it your favourite place... I am definitely sure you can be creative enough so as to give a fantastic depiction. Your recording must be up to 2min long.
3. 📬 Send me your recording and a picture of your place (it can be downloaded from the internet) before 3 May.

Do not miss this great opportunity to exhibit your awesome C1 English skills! Avoid tired and overused words like "beautiful" or "pretty". Use complex sentences and wide vocabulary and make a great impression on both students and teachers alike!

I am looking forward to all your recordings! 
Stay safe 🏡 and keep in touch!

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