I would like to welcome all students at the EOI Pontevedra to a blog where they will find a lot of information about the school together with a wide range of activities to practise and improve their English. I´m sure most of them will find the activities in the blog both amusing and enjoyable! Hope you learn a lot... and please, let me know if there is anything you want me to include!!

Tuesday, 30 June 2015


The students' association summer courses start on 6 July. You can still apply!! Intermediate English courses, speaking courses..... don't miss them!!

Sunday, 28 June 2015


O pasado 26 de xuño abreuse o prazo de preinscripción e matrícula para o curso 2015-2016. Podes consultar toda a información relativa a prazos e documentación necesaria na páxina web da EOI de Pontevedra.

What are you waiting for?


I just wanted to share with you the great moment I spent with my intensive course students yesterday. All of them worked really hard during the course and I also think most of them enjoyed it, so they really deserve a good summer holiday. 

Yesterday we had a farewell dinner..... and they surprised me with presents made by themselves!! Merce knitted an amazing scarf, Arantxa made a really cute "fofucha Teacher Paula" completely customized and Ángela, our fashion victim, designed a colourful necklace for me. What more can a teacher ask for?? 

I am extremely proud of this group!! Thank you, guys!!


Tuesday, 16 June 2015


I am sure you are all excited about this summer... chances are you will be ready to hit the beach or pool with lots of friends!! However, you might not see some of your classmates until school begins again!! That's why I am sending out the cute summer message above to all of you, marking the beginning of the summer. 

A summer time greeting is the perfect way to start the season... so, I'm looking forward to your wonderful summer quotes in return!! Write them on the comments below!!

Happy summer!!

Monday, 1 June 2015


There is a lot of stress on people who want to pass exams and my students are beginning to feel a little overwhelmed. 

Unfortunately, teachers don't have a magic wand that can make exam pressure go away but I can give you some tips to help you stay focused and ready for your exams. 

1. Change the way you think about your exam and try to manage the pressure you feel by understanding what triggers you to feel stressed. Start taking control by writing down what can make you feel better. 

2. Keep hydrated, which is very important for brain function.

3. Nourish your body and fuel it with lots of healthy grub. Eat regularly and stay away from fizzy drinks and chocolate!! It's true that they'll give you a boost initially, but you'll start feeling sleepy afterwards. 

4. Keep to your sleep routines and give yourself at least 30 minutes to wind down before you go to bed. 

5. Set yourself study goals. Make a daily study calendar and try to stick to it. This will help you stay relaxed and focused.

...and most important, let it go!! Accept there are things you cannot change. Your exam is coming and it will soon be over. So, don't waste your energy on worrying about it!!

For more information on how to deal with exam stress, have a look at previous blog entries here

In the exam, make sure you read the question completely and fully understand what the examiner wants before you begin answering questions. Avoid a mental block by breathing deeply and trying to relax. Always trust yourself!! You know much more than you think you do!! Good luck in the exam!!